Cosmetic Reporter again has made an effort to analyse the data concerning the export of Polish cosmetics. For the moment of making the analyse we had an access only to the data for the first 3 quarters of 2015 (updated at the beginning of 2016), but even now it allows us to determine the upcoming perspective in this field.
Cosmetics produced in Poland in 2015 were exported to 159 countries.
The biggest individual receivers were Germany (13,7%), Russia (12,8%), Great Britain (10,9%). Germany managed to keep the leader position in 2015 and increased their shares – from 11,9% in 2015. The shares of Russia have decreased – from 13% in 2015. The same situation concerned Great Britain – 11,6% in 2015. However, this data can be verified only on the basis of the results for the whole year 2015.
Following the last few years, the biggest importer of Polish cosmetics were EU countries, which receive approx. 65% of our export.
According to the initial data of the Central Statistic Office (GUS) – the export of Polish cosmetics in 2015 comprised EUR 1 bln 655 mln.
The export of Polish cosmetics was divided in several categories (Table 1 and Chart 1):

- decorative/make-up and skin care products – total value of export for the first 3 quarters of 2015 comprised PLN 3 bln 87, giving this category 43% of share (the same as in 2014);
- shaving preparation, deodorants, shower gels and bath foams, depilatories, toiletries and room deodorants – total value of export for the first 3 quarters of 2015 comprised PLN 1 bln 60 mln, giving this category 15% of share vs 16% in 2014;
- oral care – total value of export for the first 3 quarters of 2015 comprised PLN 1 bln, giving this category 14% of share, which is 1% more than on 2014;
- hair care products – total value of export for the first 3 quarters of 2015 comprised PLN 992 mln, giving this category almost 14% of share (the same as in 2014);
- perfume and eau de toilettes – total value of export for the first 3 quarters of 2015 comprised PLN 964 mln, giving this category 13% of share (the same as in 2014);
- the export value in other categories like ethereal oils or odoriferous mixtures comprised PLN 134 mln. The share of this category comprised 2% of the total export value, which is exactly the same as in 2014.
The export value in terms of region division is presented below (Chart 2):

- European Union countries import 65% of our export, which comprises EUR 1,08 bln;
- Central and Eastern European countries import 17% of our export, which comprises the total value of EUR 281,6 mln;
- Developing countries import 14% of our export, which gives a total value of EUR 229,8 mln;
- The other developed coutries import 4% of our export, which comprises a total value of EUR 66 mln.
The export structure is very similar to the one in 2014 – the % shares remained the same.
The main receivers of Polish cosmetics in the particular regions are:
- European Union countries – similarly to 2014, the main importer of Polish cosmetics are Germany (21% of the total export value to EU) and Great Britain (17%). These are the countries with a big aggregation of Polish immigrants, who have a sentimental attitude to the products coming from their native country.
- The other countries with a comparabale value of import from Poland are: Italy (6%), Hungary (6%), France (6%), Spain (6%) and Czech Republic (6%). The differences between them are not very considerable.
- Central and Eastern Europe countries – Russia imports 76% and Ukraine 20% of all Polish cosmetic products sent to this part of the world. Altogether both of the countries receive 96% of our cosmetic production in this region. To sum up the whole year 2015 we would need the data for the last quarter, but even now we can see that the export to Russia and Ukraine has not changed so much in accordance to the crisis in these countries. What has changed is only the ratio of export – with a small raise in Russia and decline in Ukraine, but we may suppose that the data for the whole 2015 should be still better than expected.
- Developing countries. The main receiver is Turkey (22% of the total export to this region), Kazachstan (8%), Indonesia (7%). What surprises the most is the small export rate to the most populous countries of the globe – China and India. It comprised only EUR 0,91 mln in China and EUR 2,8 mln in India, which totally gives the same value as our total export of cosmetics to Austria.We may suppose that there is still a huge potential in this group of countries. Despite the fact that the sales is very fragmented in this case – we have over 100 countries in this category – very promising seem to be the countries, which have been derestricted in the terms of trade, like Cuba or Iran.
- Other developing countries. Number one here is the South African Republic, which buys 34% of our export in this group of countries. The following ones are the USA – 19% and Israel – 18%.As it was already shown, the category of decorative/make-up and skin care products comprised EUR 706 mln during the first 3 quarters of 2015. Chart 3 shows the division of the category into product groups:

The main export group of the category below are decorative and skin products. Its export value is estimated at EUR 59 mln, which comprises 66% of the whole category. 64% comes to EU countries, where the main receivers are Germany and Great Britain.
The export of make-up products is estimated at EUR 86 mln, which comprises 12% of the total value in this category.
44% of this category comes to EU countries, but the share of Central-Eastern Europe countries is also significant, comprising 26%.
Further positions are taken by lips make-up products (the value of export is EUR 59 mln giving 8% of share in this category), manicure and pedicure (EUR 51 mln, giving 7% of share in this category), loose and pressed powders (EUR 45 mln, giving 6% of share in this category).
The initial data suggest, that the export value of 2015 should be comparable to 2014 or even higher. It is motivated by good quality of Polish cosmetics, but also attractive prices, especially after weakening the value of Polish zloty in comparison to other currencies in the second half of 2015.